Fall Foliage Collage


Fall Foliage Collage

Inspired by the art of children’s book illustrator Eric Carle, this torn paper collage is a great way to use up scrap paper and old art projects to capture the colors of the fall landscape!

Materials for Fall Foliage Collage

  • Background paper 

  • Blue paper scrap

  • Green paper scraps

  • Warm colored paper scraps (yellow, orange, red)

  • Gluestick

  • Mod Podge or watered down liquid glue + brush (optional)

Let’s get started!

Steps for Fall Foliage Collage

1. Rip pieces of blue paper and glue to the top section of your background paper. This will be the sky.

2. Rip pieces of green paper and glue to the bottom section of your background paper. This will be the grass.

3.  Rip pieces of warm colored paper and glue them the middle section. This will be a forest of trees with colorful fall leaves.

4. Optional: Once all the paper scraps are glued down, cover the entire artwork with a layer of mod podge or watered-down glue for a glossy finish!