
Trash Rainbows

Jenna Talbott

October 4–January 31

In August of 2018, after reading about the ‘unexplained mortality event’ affecting East Coast humpback whales, local artist and designer Jenna Talbott made her first permanent trash rainbow collage. Beach Trash Whale, crafted entirely from beach trash found on Wollaston Beach in Quincy, is glued to braced masonite painted with matte interior paint. Jenna now transforms household cleaner caps, straws and even plastic bags into bright works of art. 

About Jenna
Jenna Talbott is an editorial art director and artist. In 2018, after major spring storms flooded much of Boston and the surrounding communities, she began an ongoing series of collages made from colorful plastic trash found on the beach by her home. What began as small trash rainbows crafted onsite for others to ponder, quickly led to a habit of regularly picking up beach trash and saving (cleaned) hard plastics for future use.
