Valentine’s Day Smoosh Paintings


Valentine’s Day Smoosh Paintings

Make colorful handmade Valentines in this no mess painting activity! This project is great for toddlers but can be adapted for any age.

Materials for Valentine’s Day Smoosh Paintings

  • Clear gallon sized Ziploc bag

  • Heavy paper or cardstock

  • Tempera paint

  • Optional: confetti or glitter

  • Masking tape

  • Pencil

  • Scissors

Let’s get started!

Steps for Valentine’s Day Smoosh Paintings

1. Squirt or dab on dots of paint to the paper. Optional: Add confetti or glitter!

2. Carefully slide the paper into the bag and seal it tightly, adding tape if needed.

3. Smoosh the paint through the bag, mixing and smearing the colors together. Notice if any new colors are created!

4. Take the paper out of the bag to dry. Once the paint is dry, cut into individual smaller pieces or shapes to make valentines!