Brand Highlight: The Dough Project

The Dough Project

The Dough Project


The Dough Project

What is more fun than playing with play dough? We can’t think of much. Not only do you get to play with play dough, but you can also MAKE your own play dough with The Dough Project’s DIY kit. Follow these easy steps below to make yours today with your little one(s)!


What you’ll need:

  • 1 box dough mix

  • 1 tbsp cooking oil

  • 1 cup water

  • Mixing bowl + whisk

  • Non-stick skillet

  • Spatula

1. Mix

In a mixing bowl, add water and oil to dry mix and whisk together until you have a smooth batter.


2. Cook

Spoon 2 tbsp of batter at a time into your skillet over medium heat as if you were making pancakes! Let your dough “pancakes” cook for about 1 minute until they darken slightly.

Flip ‘em! Cook the other side for about 5 seconds, then place on a tray to cool (1-2 minutes).


3. Play

When dough is cool enough to touch, it’s ready for play! Store your dough in an airtight container to keep fresh!