Recycled Shape Ornaments


Reuse, Repeat, Recycle!

Stay warm and cozy creating these colorful recycled shape ornaments. These ornaments use simple repeating shapes to create a beautiful memory for you and your little one(s). You only need a few materials and most will be from the recycling bin. Deck the halls and decorate your home!



  • Pencil

  • Items to trace and create simple shapes with, such as squares, circles etc. Items may include cookie cutters and cups.

  • Scissors

  • Piece of cardboard (thin cardboard or cardboard from food/ cereal boxes is best)

  • Recycled artwork and/or colorful paper

  • Glue stick

  • Hole punch and (optional) circle punch

  • Ribbon or yarn

Let’s get started! 


1. First, think about what shape you want your ornament to be! Do you want it to be a circle, a square, a triangle, or a star? Trace or draw a shape onto the cardboard and cut the shape out (grown-ups may need to assist with this part).


2. Next, draw and cut smaller shapes from the recycled artwork and/or colorful paper. Use the circle punch to speed up the process!

3. Glue the shapes to your cardboard ornament. Layer the shapes and try to cover the entire surface with colors and pattern! We chose to make ours monochromatic, each with shades of the same color, but have fun with your own color combinations.


4. Lastly, punch a hole at the top and loop a piece of ribbon or yarn through for hanging.
