Mini Circle Weavings – Creating with Cardboard


Cardboard. Inexpensive, plentiful and for some reason, fascinating for every child…ever. As we turn to the internet for our daily needs, boxes are bound to take over our kitchens and recycling bins. Gather your materials and save your cardboard (and sanity): Here is a creative way to transform this commonplace material into something beautiful. 

Mini Circle Weavings

Design a woven textile with a simple cardboard loom! 

  • To make your loom, cut a circle about 5" in diameter from a piece of cardboard. Draw an odd number of marks spaced about 1" apart (no need to be exact) around the edge of the circle. Cut a notch into each mark. 

  • Next, show your little one how to add their warp threads by securing a piece of yarn into one notch and leaving a tail in the back. Carry the yarn across the loom to the notch directly opposite, loop back around, and then insert the yarn into the next notch over. Continue winding until you get to your last notch. To finish, take your yarn across to a notch that’s already been used, and tape loose ends to the back of the loom! 

  • Starting in the middle, begin weaving in an “over, under” pattern. Use thick yarn, ribbon, and even pipe cleaners! 
