Soft Serve Swirl Slime!


Swirly soft-serve ice cream for the win!

Turn your kitchen into a slime shop this week and line up for one of our most popular projects! Little ones will unleash their inner scientist as they create their own creamy concoctions from just a few ingredients.

Join us this weekend to celebrate National Ice Cream Month in our SculptureShop - Ice Cream Sundaes for Minni artists, ages 4–10 and Minni Make + Play - Ice Cream Shop for little ones ages 1.5-5.


Ingredients + Materials 

Vanilla Soft Serve

  • 1 part white Elmer’s glue

  • 1 part water

  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract

  • 1-2 large dollops of shaving cream

  • 1 part liquid starch

Chocolate Soft Serve

  • 1 part white Elmer’s glue

  • 1 part water

  • 2 tsp of unsweetened cocoa powder

  • brown food coloring 

  • 1-2 large dollops of shaving cream

  • 1 part liquid starch

Let’s get started! 


1. Combine the glue, water and vanilla extract (substitute cocoa powder and brown food coloring for chocolate soft-serve) in a bowl. Mix thoroughly!

Ice Cream Slime
Ice Cream Slime Shop

2. Add 1-2 large dollops of shaving cream. Stir the ingredients.

Minni Ice Cream Slime

3. Lastly, mix in 1 part liquid starch. Sprinkle on small collage shapes for decoration!

Minni Soft Serve Slime

Scoop it up Minni Artists!