Sensory Birthday Cupcakes


It’s time to celebrate.

One year ago Minni’s doors opened for the first time. Just a year later, we are a growing community of artists + designers of all ages from various neighborhoods and backgrounds. A heartfelt thank you to all who made Minni’s first year a great success, including our talented team of instructors + assistants, our partner schools and organizations, and the hundreds of families who have brightened our space every day.

In celebration of Minni’s first year, we have cooked up the gooiest, sensory craft perfect for all ages. Take a break to bake these birthday cupcakes with your culinary artist(s).

Cupcake Ingredients

(makes 1 cupcake + a little extra for sensory play)

+ 1 cup all-purpose flour

+ 1/4 cup baby oil (or oil of choice)

+ shaving cream

+ 1 tbsp white Elmer’s Glue

+ food coloring

Additional Materials: Cupcake liners, Ziplock bags, spoons for mixing + cupcake decorations (glitter, small pieces of paper, beads etc.)

Let’s get started!


Measure 1 cup of flour and pour into a small bowl. Add 1/4 cup of baby oil or oil of choice.


Invite your little one(s) to mix the oil into the flour with their hands. The mixture will resemble crumbly and sticky biscuit dough.


3. Sprinkle the doughy mixture into a cupcake liner. Older kiddos can use their fingers to mold and shape the mixture into a dome shape.

Pro tip: Double up on cupcake liners!

Frosting time!

Put aside the cupcake to make room for the frosting.

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4. Combine a large dollop of shaving cream and 1 tbsp of white Elmer’s glue in a bowl. Mix, mix, mix! Add a few drops of food coloring.

Pro tip: Tempera paint and watercolor paint are great substitutes for food coloring if you don’t have any on hand.


5. Frost the cupcake with a spoon or with the help of a handy sandwich bag! Simply spoon the frosting into the bag, cut a hole at one corner, and squeeze!


6. Complete the cupcake with some decorations! Use sprinkles, plastic straw pieces, glitter, beads, pom poms, and anything else you can find at home!

Pro tip: A hole punch + printing paper makes perfect sprinkles!


Happy creating MinniArtists!