Minni ServiceShop


Get ready to make things GO in our upcoming ServiceShop.

ServiceShop is vrooming and zooming right towards us! Join us on Sunday, February 17, 10–11:30am for a workshop that literally speeds by, as instructor Eugene Zeleny takes students ages 4–10 for a real “crash course” into the realm of “Moving Machines.” Students will explore the actual definition of a vehicle and learn elementary manufacturing and building skills by working to both reproduce and invent their very own transportation devices. The wheels will definitely come off across the 90 minute span of this program: join the auto adventure today!

About Eugene
Eugene Zeleny grew up in Boston, graduating from Northeastern University with a BA in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Technological Entrepreneurship. He has been a freelance woodworker since 2009, working out of his Brighton woodworking studio, and focuses on creating functional art such as furniture, fashion accessories, interior decor, and humorous novelty items. He brings a love of crafting and free-form construction in a variety of accessible materials to the classroom, hoping to inspire ever-growing heights of creative freedom in his students.